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Venta - Sale Casa, Barrio-Playa Cortada - Bedrooms | Habitaciones 3 Baños| Bathrooms 2 Santa IsabelPR 385000

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Ocean front 2 Homes on the Caribbean Ocean Barrio-Playa Cortada

Pueblo: Santa Isabel

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Perfect opportunity to own 2 side by side homes located on the beautiful Caribbean Ocean. These 2 homes are completely remodeled in a European style and ready to live in or use as income properties. The common area between these homes is stunning with a clean modern touch. The beach is right in front of the homes and can be accessed directly from each house and you can see the island of Caja de Muerto. 2 large gates give you access to the property and can accommodate 6 cars. The 1st house at 825 sq ft has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and newer ac units. The 2nd house at 908 sqft is an open concept room with 1 bathroom, and newer ac units. Both homes are installed with a large solar power system and water purification systems. Cash sale required, Seller has titles to both properties.
Número de Clasificado 4841051 Share

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